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What's a farm without produce? Of course we have it! Taste the unbelievable freshness of aeroponic grown veggies grown vertically in our top-notch greenhouse. Grown with minimal water and packed with nutrients, our greens are sure to be the greenest you've ever had! By growing smarter we're able to grow amazing plants that taste great and have a low impact!



Wonderfully fragrant, it is the perfect addition to meat dishes, fish, vegetables, cheese, soup and eggs, and is one of the main ingredients in pesto. Available in wholesale!


Poultry & Eggs

Try our pasture poultry & cage-free egg offerings.



We cultivate our own raw fleece which can be used for all types of things!


Solar Cities

At some point in your life I am sure you have held your energy bill in your hand, looked at the sky and asked why. Movements to reduce fossil fuel use have become increasingly popular over the past several years, with solar power being harnessed by homes and businesses around the globe. However, electricity is just one part of this - what about the fuel to cook your food and heat your home? And it doesn't stop there - one of the byproducts of this process is an extremely nutrient rich liquid thats perfect for growing the freshest, healthiest fruits and veggies. We call it compost tea! Through our partnership with Solar Cities, we dare to tackle this lofty goal. Pioneered by National Geographic Explorer Dr. T.H. Culhane, biogas technology is the next way to rid yourself from the grid. This budding technology allows you to cook todays meals with yesterdays trash.



Our luxurious handmade soaps are the perfect gift to give yourself or your loved ones!


Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

Coming soon to our farm: Community-supported agriculture (CSA) is a food production and distribution system that directly connects farmers and consumers. In short: people buy "shares" of a farm's harvest in advance and then receive a portion of the crops as they're harvested.


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About Us

Hudson Valley Vertical Farms promotes sustainable agriculture that is organic, easy, family friendly, and economical. Soil is something so many of us take for granted. If the world's population continued to grow at its current rate, 9.5 billion people would occupy this Earth by 2050. This would require additional land the size of Brazil to feed everyone. The seed for change is within each of us. How we decide to grow and feed our families today will shape our world for generations to come.

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